The use of fire has a long history. And yet, it seems that controlling wood fires did not start until the introduction of "heat-accumulating" Finovens and Tigchel heaters.
By accumulating heat we can easily differentiate burning wood as such and the heat output. Thanks to our heat technologies and selective materials, the differentiation i.e. controlling the heat is more advanced than with any other heater. That is the reason why this kind of heat feels
much more comfortable than heat from a woodburner made of steel or cast iron. Indeed, even more comfortable than a heater made of soapstone!
On this web site we provide information on our woodburners. Sorted by heat efficiency, we begin with the Tigchel heater with 85% efficiency and up. These are followed by the Finovens and we conclude with the Kyoto heater, which can reach an efficiency of up to 110% (!).